Monday 6 December 2010

You Live and You learn or Do You?

As each minute, hour, day, month and year go by, our experiences increase. Some may be good/positive and some may be bad/negative. My point is, we go through so many different things, sometimes in very short spaces of time and sometimes over long periods, but do we ever take a moment to reflect and take in these experiences and learn from them?

I'm sure everyone has different ways of taking in these experiences and maybe some don't even realise. We sometimes take each and every experience for granted, say to ourselves "I'll definitely keep that in mind for next time", but do we actually keep these things in mind? 

I've always wondered if we treat these experiences differently i.e. do we accept the happy/positive moments and think great, let's move on....or do we actually learn from the happy moments, just like we do the sad/negative?

Many would say that they learn from the bad things that have happened to them in life and that they won't make that same mistake again because they've learnt from it, but does anyone ever say they have learnt anything from a happy/positive moment? You can almost compare this to media stories, the vast majority of the stories are of negative things e.g. the recession, robberies, violence, etc.. Good stories don't often make the front page of a newspaper or the headlines of the news on TV. Is it because people only care about the bad/negative stories? 

I think it's important to keep some sort of consistency between the two types of experiences, as we can ensure that lessons we learn from negative experiences in life help us to turn our future experiences in to positives. It's also just as important to remember happy/positive experiences because we can ensure that we learn things from these happy moments and practice them at later dates too...would you agree?

Maybe we take positive experiences for granted, causing us to be complacent? that could be it's own story!

So tell me people, how do you deal with all the different experiences? Do you take the good experiences for granted? What advice would you offer to people that do 

1 comment:

  1. When I encounter a tough period in my life, I think back to the times when I've been in a similar situation or have been feeling the same. I also try to compare previous experiences where they have been tougher then the one I'm currently in and draw strength from that.

    If however, I cannot do the above, I just do my best and my perspective changes, instead of being stressed and having much anxiety, it is uncharted territory, so if I fail then its about how I get back on my feet.

    Surprisingly, for me that is, the fear is not failing at something new (this is what I call pushing the boundaries and forging ahead), what my fear is; is failing at something I've done before, or that I should already know, that to me is going back and regressing...

    On the opposite side, I've for the last 12 years of my life have lived by the saying "enjoy everything blessing in life, especially the smaller things. Which prove to be the most important and overlooked". I've lived this out through every meal that I eat (and those who know me know how much I love food!) to the conversations I have I have with people, even such things as a warm comfy bed, or having super fast internet! It's the small appreciative feelings people seem to over look. Its not about big gifts or gestures (but don't discount them).

    People say live life to its full... well sometimes going at 100mph makes you miss the really small things we take for granted...

