Monday 13 December 2010

Opportunities - Past, Present and Future

December is usually a time of year when many of us reflect on how the year has panned out for us as individuals, our family and friends. While we reflect on the year we look at things that went well and things that did not go well for us during the year. Some of us might even think about how things could have been different and ask ourselves "what if...". These two words are ever present in our minds, wondering how different things would or could have been if we had made different decisions. 

A particular part of this reflection is opportunities we were presented with, not only over the last 12 months but overall in life. Opportunities like job offers, that person that was smiling at you on the train but you didn't smile back or say hello, telling someone how you felt about them before you drifted apart, missing out on joining a club or organisation in it's infancy that is now huge.

Obviously I cannot speak for others but the areas above are ones I have questioned myself and I'm sure others have done so too. Those with self esteem issues compare themselves to others and think "If only I had the same opportunities as them". We convince ourselves that someone else's life is better than ours without knowing what they have been through to get where they are or knowing whether they are actually happy or not. These people we look at and think "I want to be like that person" or "why can't I be like them?" may have their own issues, and they may actually be looking at you thinking "wow, they have such an awesome life".

Opportunities in life come and go, where one opportunity turns it's back on you for whatever reason, another one presents itself. Whether this new opportunity is one you want to pursue though is up to you to analyse and decide upon. My personal experiences tell me that there is no right answer, if you decide to take an opportunity, make the most of it. If you don't take an opportunity, don't look back in regret, remember your reasons for not taking it and learn from it, and if such an opportunity presents itself again evaluate it for what it means to you at the time.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we should not look back in regret at our actions in the past but learn from those actions and use them to help mould our future. If an opportunity comes knocking, look at it, if it's worth taking at the time, then take it as it's the right decision for you at the time. If the opportunity is not right for you, decline it, because at that time it's the right decision for you to make.

Opportunities present themselves to us over time, just like the good times and bad times. That's just life; Live it, Like it and simply Love it!

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