Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Are we an Inspirational Society?

So, I haven't blogged in quite a while (it's become a recurring theme ey?!) , maybe I've not been inspired or I've just been lazy. It's probably the latter! Oops!

The topic  of this blog is a bit of a strange one, well maybe. With social media being so prominent in our lives, motivational and inspirational content such as videos, quotes, statements, etc are becoming more and more visible.

There seem to be more and more people throwing up motivational quotes and statements than I've ever seen or heard of before. I used to put things up too, years ago on Facebook mostly to motivate myself and do the same for others if it helped them. Whether it helped anyone or not, I have no idea!

What I'm trying to understand is, why are we seeing so much more of this material out there? Is that where society is these days? Have we lost the ability to motivate and/or inspire ourselves? Or has it always been like this but its just out in the open now because of mediums like social media?

The other point I guess is, with so much material and so many people out there trying to motivate, does it have the opposite effect on some? What I mean is, if you constantly see motivational quotes does it lose its magic?

That brings me to another point, do videos have more of an effect than written quotes? Certainly in recent weeks and months for me I buy in to the video more than I would a quote. It also relates to a story being told. I guess if the script of a motivational video was published would it have the same impact? It wouldn't for me, visual seems to hit home for me more than text. I'm guessing that's the same or even the opposite for many.

Going back to my first point about the level and amount of motivational and inspirational quotes, it feels like (in my opinion) that we have become so obsessed with comparing ourselves to other because of social media that we consistently put ourselves down. Should we compare ourselves? I for one have always been against comparing people to one another. Don't get me wrong, I do it too but sometimes I just can't stop myself, I think most if not all of us do this, I guess some out or down to human nature.

I guess one of the reasons I'm writing about this topic is because I worry, I worry what the future holds for my kids. I worry about how society is going to put more pressure on ourselves. The more inspirational videos, posts etc that I see, the more I think society is actually getting worse. Am I right? What do you think?

Another reason is that I'm trying to bring myself away from comparing my achievements with others achievements. I'm slowly understanding that my path is going to be different to someone else's. I'm going through a phase where I'm trying to transform myself physically and mentally. Both forms are linked really aren't they? You could and probably do use one to reflect on the other. For example, if you physically feel good, you're likely to feel good mentally, because of the positive hormones that being happy releases.

There's a lot of motivational people and material out there. Those that use it to drive themselves, good on you, it's helping you. Ultimately its about using all that's out there to your advantage right?

How do you feel about all the inspirational and motivational material you see out there? Do you think we as a society have a problem? Or are we just becoming more of a supportive society? Should we be worried for the next generation?

Until the next post!

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