Monday, 14 February 2011

Express Yourself

Today, most people would probably expect to read blogs, articles and social networking updates about Valentines Day. So to keep with tradition, I'm going to write about Valentines D....actually, no I'm not! haha What I'm actually going to write about is how people express themselves, the different ways people express their views, their thoughts and even who they are.

A couple of people now have told me my blog topics are too serious and I should write some funny ones. Truth be told, I'd have to agree, they are fairly serious ones but that's the whole point of my blog posts is to express my thoughts and possibly different perspectives on things.

So, why did I just mention people's comments? Well, it touches on how I put my thoughts across and in effect how I express myself.  I find it amazing how there are so many different mediums we can use to express different things in our lives. Talking, writing, drawing, painting, dancing, singing, etc... are all mediums we can use to express how we feel, express our thoughts and express who we are.

I choose to use writing to express myself, particularly when I write about topics that have played on my mind or are topics of discussion for everyone at some point in our lives. Does how you write define a style of how you express yourself? You're thinking "what the hell does he mean by that?" Well, I'll try and explain.

When I first started blogging, a couple of people commented that my writing was like I was having a face to face chat with the people reading the post. Did I do this intentionally? well, not really, it's just how my writing panned out to be honest. Other writers I've noticed like to set the scene and engage the reader by almost putting them in to the scene.

Writing is one of many ways people choose to express themselves. Some talented people are able to use multiple mediums to express themselves, their thoughts and who they are. Dance I guess has been seen as a popular medium for people to express themselves. You often here judges on dance competitions saying "you expressed yourself really well", same with those that sing.

Why did I write this post? Well, many people struggle to find themselves an outlet to express themselves for numerous reasons. I personally didn't realise writing was my best form of expressing myself until late last year when I just need to get my thoughts out. I used to write random notes a few years ago but never gave it much thought until recently.

So, my question to you guys reading this is, Do you know what your best medium or outlet of expressing yourself is? If you do know, how do you express yourself? Have you even thought about it before?

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree...I found writing as a way to get my thoughts out...
    sometimes, it was too blunt. And I have since discovered, story telling with a hint of truth is great too...

    Keep writing...
