Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Changes - Expected?

I recently posted a status update on Facebook that said "It's Amazing how quickly things change". The status was put up because of a conversation I had with someone, where everything almost seemed to flip upside down. That got me thinking (yes I do that all the time anyway), change is part of our everyday lives, from the moment we are born to the moment we die. So, why at times is it so hard to deal with sometimes? Why can't we just expect the change?

There are many changes that we experience in life, here's a few of them: Friends, Relationships, Personality, Physical Appearance, Education and Work. Some of you might say "each of those have some sort of link to at least one other", and yes I would agree, sometimes the change that takes place in one is as a result of a change in another. So if we're so used to this, why is it that we sometimes struggle to accept those changes?

I wrote a note a while ago talking about how often people come and go from our lives, they all have some reason for entering our lives. Some of us make friends from a very early age, let's say from Nursery or Primary school and keep in touch with these friends for the rest of our lives but many of us probably won't even remember the names of all our friends from Nursery or Primary school. Why not? Well, things change, people drift apart and make new friends. Moving from middle school to high school, there's a change in itself; your friends from primary/middle school may have gone to different high schools and since then you have been as close as you were.

The situation may also have arisen where you go to the same high school as most of your friends but met people that have come to high school from different primary/middle schools and may have different interests and views on things. Making these new friends could have caused a change in your personality, you may have started to act differently around your old friends, so was this change in personality permanent? or just a temporary phase? Well, it could have been either, some of you may have accepted the change in your personality without even knowing or realising. Some on the other hand, may have realised and thought "what the hell is wrong with me?" and "Switched" back, but isn't this still a change of some sort?

Making new friends is something we all do throughout our lives and I'm sure most of you would agree that friendship is a form of relationships. Again, change is present in relationships too, some friendships could turn in to other forms of relationships. Some people may see a change in their friendships as they become closer i.e. some may progress from friendship to a romantic relationship or some may turn friendship in to more of a sibling relationship. Change is shows itself again, these are certainly the more obvious cases of change from a friends perspective and we realise our feelings have changed for a person or person(s). If two people in a circle of friends start seeing each other romantically, does that change things for the other friends? Well yes, it probably does some may struggle to accept the change and feel like they have to act differently around the couple. Some may start seeing the two people as "one person" as they now come as a pair.

I've just touched on some of the things that change in our lives, but the point I'm trying to get across and also seek opinion of is, do we expect the changes that happen? Do we even realise something in our life has changed? How do we react when we realise? Did things change a few years ago and you never realise?

Personally I do think it's amazing how things change without us even realising. I think we have to learn to embrace change whether we see it as good change or bad change. Let's face it, if something's changed, chances are it won't be changing back any time soon. Change is part of our lives and a saying I believe in "Life: Live it, Like it, Love it!"

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