Sunday, 30 January 2011

Are we too quick to Judge?

So, recently I've been thinking a lot about perception and how we judge and make our minds up about people. It's something that happens all the time, in different scenarios. We make a judgement about people after speaking to them once whether it be in person, over the phone or even on the Internet (sites like Facebook).

It happens when you meet a friend of a friend on a night out, at job interviews, Introductions, meeting new colleagues at work, etc... I'm sure you're saying "but you have to make judgements at job interviews" and yes I would agree but what if the candidate is having a ridiculously bad day? They could have come across better had you interviewed them the day before or the day after. Probably a silly point for me to make, but it's true isn't it?

Now Introductions are probably another situation where people make quick judgements. Talking for the first time over the phone may lead some people to say "no i'm no interested in this person", but why? how can you judge someone on one phone call? Most people I'm sure speaking to an introduction a second time or even meet them in person. For those that decide on a phone call, how on earth do you just know they're not worth speaking to again or meeting? Has it happened to me before? yes it has, I once had an introduction that I later found out didn't feel a "spark" when we spoke for the first time. Hence i've always asked those questions, i'm sure others have had similar experiences?

It's amazing how we as people take first impressions to be a given. We meet or even observe people for the first time and think "this person is great" or "this person a total idiot". How many of you have first met a person and said something along those lines? I certainly have in the past and to be honest I probably still do. It's something that people just do, I would say we do it subconsciously but some people probably just do it because that's how they take information in about people.

It's an interesting topic, so I decided to conduct an experiment on Facebook. I asked people to tell me how they know me and what their perception of me is. I received some interesting messages back. One friend told me that she thinks I'm a pretty deep guy with a lot of thoughts but her opinion of me was completely different before we even spoke. Before speaking she thought I was a snobby geek. Some of you would probably agree with that statement but I was definitely surprised that someone without even speaking to me would even think that.

What makes the thought of perception and others impressions more interesting is that they could be completely different to how we think we put ourselves across. Taking the example from above, I feel I come across as quiet and calm and that to others, and obviously one person can and has come across as snobby. That raises another question, should we be concious of how others perceive us? Some may already be like that; they may be very self concious and put themselves in a shell just because they're worried about what others think. People looking at these self concious people might take the view that they don't want to mingle or be sociable with anyone. I've always been a fairly self concious person, in the past always worried about what others think and to an extent am probably still like that, particularly around people new to me.

With first impressions seeming to be important I thought I'd ask what people think. The question I posed on my status was "How Important are First Impressions?". Unsurprisingly most people agreed that first impressions do matter. Why? Because the first meeting or conversation with a person gives us an image of what that person or people are like. Sometimes we just have to see someone or people and judge them by how they work or even how they greet others.

Many of us probably say to ourselves and others that we don't really care what people think, but is that really true? Do we really not care what others think? I don't think anyone in this world lives without caring what someone thinks of them. They might not show it but deep down they probably do care and it does matter to them.

Here's another question, should we ask ourselves how our perception of others effects them? Ever thought how your perception of someone effects them?

So, Do you care what others think? Do people perceive me the way I put myself across? Do you care about how your perception of people affects them?

Personally I do think first impressions matter but I don't think they should. Unfortunately that's never going to change as we not only do it consciously but sub-consciously too. It's annoying but it's something you have to deal with right? It's the way the world and society works. It's amazing how perceptions can change though once you get to know people, then again, it may not change at all! I do think we're too quick to judge and should have more of an open mind when meeting new people but I don't think it will change. It's almost like humans are programmed to judge and make judgements quickly. Think about it and let me know what you think.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Can I Be Honest Please?

First and foremost, Happy New Year to you all!

So, it's the New Year and as you would expect the first couple of days were full of optimism and hope for the 12 months ahead. In the last couple of days I've already seen people curse the new year, once again as you'd expect, keeping to tradition! Just goes to show you can't please everyone!

Anyway, going back to the actual topic of this post. A couple of days ago, probably still on a high from the turn of the year, I decided to give everyone I know on Facebook a free pass. This free pass allowed anyone to ask me as many questions as they wanted and I would give them an honest answer no matter how personal or private the question. Was there a catch? Nope, not really. I did however requested that the answers remained private, only fair right?

Now, the reason I wanted to write about this, was because I've always felt I'm an honest and straightforward person and pretty much an open book, particularly with those I trust. Could that be the reason people asked if I had gone crazy for opening myself up to potential embarrassing questions? Well, may be, but only those that made those comments can answer that.

I guess I gave that "free pass" to see how open people felt I was and whether or not they felt comfortable enough asking me pretty much anything. It allowed people to ask me questions which I don't think they would have asked in a normal conversation, well most of the questions wouldn't have come up in a normal conversation, at least I don't think so anyway.

An old friend asked me "We used to be really close, once upon a time.. Why did you drift away..?". Now I don't think that's something people find easy to ask or even answer for that matter. The pass gave them the opportunity to ask me and guaranteed an answer but would I have answered it if they had asked me without the pass? Yes I think I would, may be not in the past but certainly in recent times.

Why the difference? Well, I've changed a lot over the last few years, as I'm sure many of you have. I didn't really realise how much I had changed until recently and the questions I was asked by people definitely hit home how much I've changed. I don't think I would have been able to put up the free pass thing a few years ago, not because I couldn't be honest but I just wouldn't have known how to handle questions relating to my personal and private life.

I did expect a lot of silly questions, questions you would expect to be asked as a teenager, but the majority of questions were very genuine and personal. So, would you be able to give people a free pass to ask anything they wanted with a guaranteed honest answer from you? If not, why not? Do you feel it's too intrusive? Are you a private person and like to remain mysterious? Is it worth coming out of your shell even for a few hours?

For me, it definitely was worth it, I was able to clear up mis-understandings and at the same time almost prove that I really am an open book, you just have to ask!

So have a think people: Do you think your friends and family feel comfortable enough to ask you personal and private questions? Do you want people to feel comfortable enough to ask you anything? Do you only have that sort of honest and open relationship with only a handful of people?

Why not try the free pass out for yourself? Maybe it'll clear up a few things for you!